
Showing posts from October, 2024

Could Dark Matter Be the Overlapping Echoes of Parallel Universes?

Unveiling the Shadows: Could Dark Matter Be the Overlapping Echoes of Parallel Universes? For decades, dark matter has been one of the most captivating mysteries in astrophysics. Invisible to our instruments yet essential to our understanding of the cosmos, dark matter is thought to make up about 27% of the universe with dark energy making up around 68%. It holds galaxies together and influences the large-scale structure of everything we observe. But what if the key to unlocking this enigma lies not within our universe alone, but in the existence of multiple, overlapping universes? A Bold New Hypothesis Imagine that our universe is not the sole tapestry of reality but one of countless others existing in parallel. These universes might occupy the same space as ours but operate on different frequencies or dimensions, making them invisible and intangible to us. Now, consider that the matter in these parallel universes exerts gravitational forces that bleed into our own universe. Cou