
Showing posts from August, 2024

How Many UAP Sightings Could Be Actual Non-Human Intelligence Craft?

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), often referred to as UFOs, have been a topic of intrigue and speculation for centuries. With thousands of sightings reported globally, many people wonder: how many of these sightings could be actual Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) craft? By using some basic statistics and probability, we can make an educated guess. 1. Total Sightings Estimate Reports of strange objects in the sky date back to ancient times, but the modern era of UAP sightings began in earnest around the mid-20th century. According to various sources, there have been approximately 100,000 UAP sightings documented globally. This includes both historical accounts and modern reports collected by organizations like the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) and other international entities. 2. Natural and Human-Made Explanations Research and investigations suggest that a significant majority of UAP sightings can be explained by natural phenomena (like weather events), misidentified aircraft

Time vs. Multiverses, Pathways, and You

Time is not a linear progression from the past (behind you) to the present (now), and into the future (ahead of you). Instead, imagine each moment as a point on a graph representing parallel universes, arranged from left to right. Each new slice of reality moves you one point to the right, shifting you into another parallel universe. Every decision you make creates a branch, moving your path either upward or downward on this graph. Taken at face value, for each moment and every decision made (green lines), you (orange dot) move to another parallel universe (purple line) and the path (red line) appears chaotic. See below. Move each decision line up or down so that the decisions (green lines) align with those you make, and your path (red line) appears straight At the quantum level, with no concept of time (i.e., all time is one), every point on the graph is already connected and every human has a line drawn between all the points. However, it is possible to communicate through the graph